Enbalaje Magnetic Stretch Wrap Holder SWH20

● The metal U-shape holder with magnets that attach to any metal surface(fork lifts,racking,pallet jacks,trucks,etc.)

● It allows stretch wrap film to be stored when not in use for easy access.

i-igogailua No.2515301
aforoakg (lb).50(110)
Max.Roll Widthmm (ere).508(20)
Core Sizemm (ere).58.4(2.3)
Luzeramm (ere).470(18.6)
Altueramm (ere).19(0.75)
Zabaleramm (ere).203.2(8)
Pisu garbiakg (lb).0.9(2)

Magnetic Stretch Wrap Holder: Streamline Your Material Handling


  • Magnetic Attachment: Securely attaches to any metal surface with strong magnets, making it compatible with forklifts, racking, pallet jacks, and trucks.
  • Space-Saving Design: Stores stretch wrap rolls when not in use, ensuring easy access and maximizing workspace efficiency.
  • Safety: Minimizes the risk of accidents by keeping stretch wrap rolls stable, complying with safety regulations against storing items on forklift overhead guards.

This Magnetic Stretch Wrap Holder is the smart choice for a safer, more organized, and efficient workplace.



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