Bar Rack Horizontal Stacking MBR

● These efficient, low-cost modular bar storage racks take only minutes to set up.

● Stacks up to 5 high. Sturdy, yet lightweight and easy to handle.

● Provides highly flexible storage for all types of materials.Installations are expandable in width, height and length.

● Storage racks are easily shifted to meet changing storage requirements.

● Simply stack to the depth,height and width you require for space-saving economical storage.

i-igogailua No.2514301251430225143032514304
Weight Capacitykg (lb).568.2(1250)840.9(1850)1272.7(2800)1740.5(3750)
sakoneramm (ere).304.8(12)355.6(14)381(15)406.4(16)
Altueramm (ere).355.6(14)457.2(18)533.4(21)609.6(24)
Zabaleramm (ere).406.4(16)482.6(19)558.8(22)660.4(26)
Inside Heightmm (ere).304.8(12)381(15)457.2(18)508(20)
Pisu garbiakg (lb).7.7(17)13.2(29)15.9(35)27.3(60)


  • Modular rack design works for hundreds of different applications
  • Stackable design conveniently stacks five units high
  • Lightweight cradle for simple set up
  • Welded steel construction provides reliable heavy-duty use


Bar Rack Horizontal Stacking fabrikatzailea:

As a professional manufacturer of various types of material handling & lifting products, Bar Rack Horizontal Stacking gure produktu nagusietako bat da. Honetaz gain, hainbat transpaleta mota, pilagailuak, altxatzeko mahaiak, eskorga, garabia eta abar ere fabrikatu ditzakegu. Materialak manipulatzeko produktuak erosi nahi badituzu, orrialde honetatik posta elektronikoa bidal diezagukezu aurrekontua lortzeko. Gure beste produktuak interesatzen bazaizkizu, mesedez, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan posta elektronikoan edo orrian agertzen diren beste modu batzuetan. 24 ordutan erantzungo dizugu.