Semi-Electric Drum Rotating Lifter ESJF150 series

● With compact and stable structure

● High performance hoist motor:high efficiency,stability and long working life.

● Adjustable fork designed to fit reel diameter from 300 to 600mm.

● Lifting,rotation and the tightness can be controlled by control handle for more safe.

● All stainless steel material or semi-stainless steel material is optional.

i-Lift NO.1711401
MaterialSS304SS304+Carbon SteelSteel
Reel Height Max.600(23.6)
Arm Height Max.>1500(59)
Reel Diameter300-600(11.8-23.6)
Luzera orokorra1160(45.7)
Zabalera orokorra870(34.3)
Over Height1910(75.2)
Karga gurpila75(3)
Pisu garbia172(380)


●Control lifting height and pouring angle

●360-degree tilt control in either direction

●Floor lock to keep unit in place

Semi-Electric Drum Rotating Lifter fabrikatzailea:

As a professional manufacturer of various types of material handling & lifting products, Semi-Electric Drum Rotating Lifter gure produktu nagusietako bat da. Honetaz gain, hainbat transpaleta mota, pilagailuak, altxatzeko mahaiak, eskorga, garabia eta abar ere fabrikatu ditzakegu. Materialak manipulatzeko produktuak erosi nahi badituzu, orrialde honetatik posta elektronikoa bidal diezagukezu aurrekontua lortzeko. Gure beste produktuak interesatzen bazaizkizu, mesedez, jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan posta elektronikoan edo orrian agertzen diren beste modu batzuetan. 24 ordutan erantzungo dizugu.